Let’s Take a Walk #58 will take place in Toronto on September 21st. in celebration of The International Day of Peace and on September 23rd. during La Nuit Blanche.
Let’s Take a Walk #59
To take place on Sep. 21st. in celebration of The International Day of Peace at 11.55am (EST), please join us from anywhere in the world via X Twitter @mcayer and @letstakeawalk_world on Instagram Live
Let’s Take a Walk is a worldwide walk I lead using Twitter, since 2009. As it evolved, it became an on-site performance, participants from anywhere in the world still joined in via Twitter @mcayer and @letstakeawalk_world on Instagram Live. During the performance, I encourage observers to join in. On-site, a Town Crier, Tweet Master, and Drummer assist me. During the walk, we pause questions on a specific topic(s) #Peace, #Earthday, #HumanRight, prompting dialogue, inviting participants to sing a song, say something nice to someone; as we journey, the knitted overskirt I wear (created days before each walk with passerby) unravels, leaving traces. Performance artifacts, film, and photographs of our journeys are compiled into an installation, showing the experience of our group walking in different places yet moving in sync. See all the walks http://letstakeawalkmc.blogspot.com. So far, there have been 58 walks; each is a shared moment—a step towards Peace. Duration detail: Each walk requires two days, prior the walk, of knitting & conversation with passersby. Performance time is about 40 minutes, of which 20 minutes are shared via Twitter and Instagram Live #WalkingTogetherApart.
LTAW#59 will focus on Peace; the exact time and location of the in person performance taking place in Toronto will be announced soon.
To take place on Sep. 23rd. during La Nuit Blanche 2023, The theme of this year Nuit Blanche is #BreakingGround Dancing throughout the pandemic and onward. Finding ways to bring light to the world.
What brings you to the light? Your responses and participation add layers to this ongoing performance and installation. A cord, for each response, an object marking your words.
Dancing, singing, humming #donanobispacem #together and #togetherapart, with love, for peace. Breaking Ground through peace and connections, Breaking Ground through positive changes in ones live and in the world. Special guests, composers & musicians Nicole Brancato, Joris Pierre Katz & Tal Katz’s work are integrated into the performances. See @dancingalonewithmyshadow on Instagram.
As I will be experiencing the various events of La Nuit Blanche, I intend to enact spontaneous actions in various locations; those actions will be broadcasted and posted on my Instagram account @dancingalonewithmyshadow. As a bridge between Let’s Take a Walk (performed on the 21st ) and #DancingAlonewithmyShadow, I will activate “Shlepping and Displaying,” taking the performance artifact of LTAW#59 along with me, and maybe, just maybe, some of the performers and participants of LTAW#59 will join us in those totally, seemingly impromptu actions.
Finally Please check My Favorite Grandmother to see the latest entries, as always I would be delighted to add your story, Looking forward to sharing those moments with you.
With Love for Peace.
Marie Christine
Marie Christine Katz www.mariechristine.com
Instagram @mcayer27 (platform for Hangers 101 & a Litany of Hashtags) www. Instagram @mck_workinprogress (featuring upcycled Instagram @DancingAloneWithmyShadow X Twitter @mcayer (platform for Let’s Take a Walk) &Instagram @LetstakeaWalk_World (Instagram Live LTAW)
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