I hope that you are well.
May was a very busy month, here is what happened.

I had the chance to present #DancingAlonewithmyShadow as part of the EnTransito exhibition in San Antoni de Portmany Ibiza, the performances in person and via Instagram Live, the video and a site-specific installation, a red cord around the windmill, found elements added, honoring your responses to my question “What brings light to your life?”
Please see the progression of this work and the exhibition @dancingalonewithmyshadow and a video of the installation in progress, day 3 of 4 on Vimeo. The EnTransito festival created by Clemencia Labin included the work of 27 artists from Germany, Venezuela, Spain, and Switzerland/US. To see images of the entire festival, please visit Clemencia Labin’s Instagram
#DancingAloneWithmyShadow, dancing throughout the pandemic and onward. Finding ways to bring light to the world. “What brings light to your life?”. Your responses and participation add layers to this ongoing installation. Dancing, singing, humming #donanobispacem #together and #togetherapart, #withLoveforPeace, #forourAncestors, #ourchildren, #ourchildren. Tell me, what brings light to your life?
Special guests, composers & musicians Nicole Brancato, Joris Pierre Katz & Taul Katz’s work are integrated into the performances. 
Let’s Take a Walk #57
Let’s Take a Walk #57, a participatory performance, was part of the Marmalade Festival in Oxford, England. We walked for positive #socialchange. 
Let’s Take a Walk brings people to share a moment, a step toward peace. Participants from anywhere in the world join us via Twitter @mcayer and Instagram @letstakeawalk_world, #walkingtogetherapart. On-site, a Town Crier, Tweet Master, and Drummer assist me. Addressing topic(s) related to the walk, prompting dialogue, and inviting audience participation, #sharingstories. As we journey, the knitted overskirt I wear, created days before each walk with passerby, unravels, leaving traces. Performance time 30 minutes. 
Over two days before the walk, I worked with passersby, knitting and sharing stories, posing questions directly related to the theme of the performance.
Shlepping & Displaying consisted of displaying the unraveled dress, performance artifact over the few days following the walk. An impromptu and ambulatory exhibition. #withLoveforPeace.           

My Favorite Grandmother
I am delighted to present stories recently added to  My Favorite Grandmother. From Arnaldo Drés González, “From Dust and Air, my Grandmother and a Windmill”; Caryana Castillo “Carmen Cristina Ferreira,” my longtime friend Wendy Wasdahl’s just shared with me a lovely story from her grandmother, “Ida,” and Oana Maria Cajal’s “Shattered: Symbolic Gesture,” presented by the Romanian Cultural Institute. Featuring two participating poets, Vera Sirota, Claudia Serea, and Oana’s artwork 
Please visit  My Favorite Grandmother. I would love to add your story.I am grateful for your time and participation. 
A Shout out
I also want to point out Paul’s book Good Influence – How to Engage Influencers for Purpose and Profit-by Paul M. Katz an Amazon #1 best seller, released in January is a step-by-step guide to harnessing the power of influencers for social impact. See the trailer at paulmkatz.com
Based on 100+ philanthropic and social justice campaigns, Good Influence is aimed to give organizations of any size the confidence and knowledge to create influencer-led campaigns to tap into the Influencer Effect for social good. Here is the Link to order the book and audiobook Good Influence  

Reaching out to you, 
Please let me know if you have a story for My Favorite Grandmother, 
& your response to “What Brings Light into Your Life?”
your responses will add layers to my work.
Your Participation and feed backs are greatly appreciated.
With Gratitude 
Best wishes, à bientôt.
Marie Christine 

Marie Christine Katz
@mcayer27 (platform for Hangers 101 & a Litany of Hashtags) 
@mck_workinprogress Features up-cycling project & workshops.
@DancingAloneWithmyShadow    Performance started during the pandemic, ongoing. 
@LetstakeaWalk_World (Live Let’s Take a Walk)
Twitter @mcayer (Let’s Take a Walk) 
Blogs  Let’s Take a Walk    My Favorite Grandmother   Work in Progress